Saturday, January 30, 2010


hello biddiewatchers!
the month of february is approaching, and hopefully this damn snow will cease.
in the hopes of spring, i bring you the first BIDDIEWATCH PHOTO CONTEST.
many of you have gotten in touch with me, telling me awesome/bizarre things you've seen out and about. i started this blog based on poor-quality phonepix taken in haste, and now i implore you to do the same. the next time you experience something weird, take a picture. submit them to me before march first, and they will be entered in the photo contest. the best ones will be featured in an article on biddiewatch, and the top three will win a prize!

good luck!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

You Wanted to Know...

check out this sweet article written by Caitlin Hardgrove! biddiewatch's first publicity stunt.
in other news, start listening to WXJM 88.7 at noon on mondays for my americana show! dj a-money in the house.

now, the moment you've all been waiting for...
i am about to relate to you a tale. a tale of bravery, escape, danger...and most of all, complete and utter debauchery.

my favorite holiday is new year's. picture this: alcohol, friends, little to no social pressure of gift-giving, giant sparkly balls, loud music, making out, and sometimes an entire baked honey ham. how can you not love that? beats me. so in honor of this beautiful man-made holiday based on our fabricated concept of time, i like to have a little rager. it has steadily progressed in levels of insanity over the past seven years. and if that is the exponential trend, i don't think i can ever do this again.
i had the party at my house in woodbridge. it's currently off the market, but there is still no furniture in it...perfect party house. please keep in mind that this party was the leopard lovers' idea. i only invited a few people on facebook because i didn't feel like typing in people's names. at first people thought this meant it was a small event. then they realized i'm just lazy, so word spread like wildfire. i would guestimate through my blurry memories that about 80 people showed up (at its highest point) to my small townhouse.
along with these 80 people was present AT LEAST the following:
15 bottles of champagne
7 handles of liquor
11 cases of beer
5 bottles of wine
and god KNOWS what else.
if you have anything to say about this night, leave it in the comment box. i can only tell you what i know, and it's not much. but let's fastforward to 1 am. kevin gillingham and his buds were on their way to their car to [###########]. on their way, kevin was kissing everyone in sight and saying happy new year. one of these people ended up being a girl from my high school who now attends jmu. unfortunately...she has a boyfriend. kevin claims said kiss was on the cheek, and will probably make this bold claim til his dying day, but that is irrelevant. erin's boyfriend hulks out like no other, and a fight ensues.
i am completely and blissfully unaware that 30 people are outside brawling. i am gallavanting around in a leather dress taking shots of tequila.
until the police show up.
everyone runs inside yelling that the cops have arrived. then we all sit in silence, trying to decide what to do, while the music is still blaring and the cops are attempting to break down the door. at some point i have changed into "pajamas" - consisting of flannel sweatpants, a black bra revealed by white see-through long underwear, somebody's tie, and no shoes. amongst all the advice thrown at me, i only pick out and agree upon one thing. to go outside and be honest with them.
i'm not 21, but i do it anyway.
i don't even remember walking down the stairs, but i do remember my interaction with the two cops. and the glaring porch light. i was too drunk to stand or keep my eyes open, so i lean on the side of the house.
me: helloooooo officers. what seems to be the trouble?
them: THERE WAS A NOISE COMPLAINT WHO ARE YOU! (they were so loud and mean)
me: this is my house. i am SO sorry, just please let us go and i promise we will quiet down.
them: WE KNOW THERE IS UNDERAGE DRINKING GOING ON HERE! (can i get my braces of yet? i am twenty for godsakes)
me: no...listen. i'm twenty one. i'm not.
WAIT. yes i am!
them: ...yeah? YOU'RE 21?! let us inside, show us your id.
me: uh okay.

on my way inside i remember thinking/saying "we're all going to jail". amidst the crowd, i make my way upstairs to get my wallet. but on the way i make the decision that a better option would be to just hide. so i go in my mom's room, turn off the light and lock the door, and sit there in silence. meanwhile, the following:
my best friend tracey, who remembers nothing after ELEVEN, is throwing up and doesn't believe that the cops are here so she is also shouting.
the cops are banging on the door, and i am making shifty eyes and not answering.
they ID everyone they can find...only to realize that this is NOT a high school party and most people are actually of age.
i say "everyone they can FIND" because 12 people are in the basement hiding out in a miniature storage closet with a case of beer and half a cookie. to survive. ie, they are ann frankin' it like NO OTHER. my mom nicknamed this party the alcoholocaust before it even began...i don't think she has ever said anything more accurate.
another fight breaks out in the backyard and the police run out there to break it up. my friend harry (who would like me to inform everyone that he is well-endowed and brave) starts running, thinking this is a good idea. the cops see him and make assumptions about drugs, and a highspeed footrace through the forest ensues. from my room i can see the police spotlights hitting the blinds and casting shadows. the world is ending.
they find joe and some girl and ask them if they are 21. joe says yes, she says no at the same time. the cops catch on, and ask for id's. joe is 20, he gives them his. they don't even believe he's 20 (why would you want a fake that says you are 20?).
them: you know the drinking age is 21 right?
him: uh yeah...
them: so why are you drinking?
him: i dunno. IT'S NEW YEAR'S.
them: fair enough
then...apparently they left. and as soon as they do, they get another noise complaint and come RIGHT BACK. with backup. so now there are two cruisers, and four cops searching my house.
now harry's sister is shouting at them, "i'm a law student and what you are doing is not right!"
then some other stuff happened that i am completely unaware of, but all of a sudden they were gone. we kept raging until 7 am. extremely unsure as to why i didn't get a fine OR go to jail.
oh wait, i know why...
because 2010: THE SHIT, BABY!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Grind Rewind

today was the second first day of school. all my classes are really difficult, but i've met some extremely interesting people to make up for it.
i will give you a list of my favorites.

- a formally-dressed tween who is struggling with acne and who changed his name from jeff to... sky
- my accounting teacher who sounds like the priest from "the princess bride", except underwater and with a definite lisp
- a girl who has ten cats, two of which are half-leopard. she is obviously a leopard tamer.
- a guy who is partying with the patriots next weekend (need to make friends with ASAP so that i can come along)
- a guy who claims that he is currently being filmed for a reality television show
- a cool vegetarian goth girl that wears "dolly parton on crack" wigs and works at cracker barrel
- my history teacher is completely and utterly "this is totally my hat" from my favorite movie of all time, "hot rod"
- a guy (man?) who looks exactly like general custard, complete with curly-q mustache who is in my discussion group. he "takes group work very seriously"
- a guy who knows the person that invented the tollhouse cookie
- a guy who drinks hot sauce out of the bottle
- a guy who wrangles hundreds of pigs into a truck to send them to the processing plants. which made me want a hot dog real bad...shall i try the vegan ones?

every other guy talked about watching sports in the lowest bass they could muster, and every other girl pretended to be shy in order to get attention. but THESE people...are my posse.

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Slate

lesson of the day:
every food is finger food.
as i consider transitioning to a pescatarian, destination: vegan, there is one huge obstacle that stands in my way.
hot dogs.
besides artichoke (my favorite food), the only thing i could never refuse is a hot dog.
hence...i have bought "non-meat" hot dogs to discern whether or not my future is possible.
if they are vomit-inducing, i will be forced to become a hot dog vegan. i would probably have to smuggle them...but who can honestly say no to mystery meat?
am i right?!

coming soon to biddiewatch:
halterman karate institute
new year's jail escape

Friday, January 1, 2010

Movie Reviews

i wish more than all wishes that i could blog about last night. but first i need to fess up to my mom.
i also wish for more wishes.

today began with ihop, a bear necessity. there were a few awkward bathroom encounters that are better told in person. we all realized we didn't want to move or do anything all day, so i suggested we go to the movies. and never leave.
an ideal plan because it encompassed comfortable seating, sleep possibilities, food (including hot dogs), multiple bathrooms and we all needed to catch up on pop culture.

1. princess and the frog
excellent all around. i was too drunk to understand what the firefly was saying. luckily, however, the 5 year old behind me somehow had every word memorized. too disoriented to fathom how this was possible or how much money her parents must make, i dreamed up the first prototypes of a child muzzle that will be hitting walmarts near you in 2021. the only part i didn't like was when i thought they were going to stay frogs forever. thank god they turn back into humans (SPOILER ALERT)! and the shadow things scared the crap out of me. rate that shit PG-13 please...

2. it's complicated
this was a very complicated film. i also found it to be convoluted, difficult, elaborate, entangled, fancy, gasser, hard, hi-tech, interlaced, intricate, involved, knotty,labyrinthine, mega factor, mixed, perplexing,problematic. but don't judge a book by its cover! that guy from "the pink panther" did a great job. this movie also has a lot of food and emotion in it, so come prepared to eat your feelings. which brings me to the "what i ate" segment of this post:
1 nachos, 1 hot dog, 1 large popcorn, 1 bunch-a-crunch (blast from the past?!) and 3 large cokes.
i was hopped up like no other. i tried to get a different drink the third time - i said "i got the wrong thing, could i get a coke zero?" because my regular coke tasted like hairspray. the guy left my normal coke in there and topped it off with coke zero.
mix drink nastiness central.

3. alvin & the chipmunks: the squeakuel
hands down BEST FILM OF 2010. gettin the soundtrack fo sho. being attracted to chipmunks was confusing, but there were also a lot of asians in the film so i got what i needed human-wise. we had planned to leave halfway through to catch avatar in 3D (my favorite type of movie), but it was so good that we stayed. i doubt i will ever see avatar because everyone i know has already formulated an opinion for me - "BEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN, DUDE!"
i feel comfortable having avatar conversations with the best of them.

that's all you need to know about goings-on in the world. if you go see sherlock holmes, be sure to have your ticket ready to present to the usher. we got kicked out, but 7 hours were well-spent today. i might even be so daring as to call it the best day of this decade!
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