Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do Your Chain Hang Low

Let me spin you a saga.

Once upon a time, I lived with three goth strangers. I made this decision after many celebratory day drinks, and didn't even check to see where the bathroom was. The goths were scary and didn't know how to clean anything. They ate expired food and wore ripped clothes. They had many pets. I locked my door for two weeks and then I moved out and left behind a napkin note.

"Thanks for sharing your home with me!"

Home is a very loose term for scary warehouse cave futon place.

Then I moved in with the good Shannon, who I love and adore. Here I learned a few things:

a. Polish people are insane.

b. Always read your lease.

c. Do not let old people hear you cursing. Because they have supersonic hearing.

Let me briefly elaborate on this mini-epoc. Not reading a lease will 100% guarantee that you don't know the rules of your apartment. In this case, AC units were apparently illegal without written permission. After a full day of the AC unit leaking and causing ceiling damage in the apartment below unbeknownst to us, our landlady came a-knocking and a-screaming. A heinous bitch, one might say. After 10 minutes of ignoring her broken english and absurd claims, she left. Shannon was civil toward her, and I refused to deal with her bullshit. When she closed the door to leave, I dropped the F-Bomb. In the privacy of my own home, mind you. She stormed back in and told us we had 30 days to get out. She even brought her husband to back her up. He stood 5 feet back and nodded. He spoke absolutely no English. I have a great impression of her if you ever meet me in person.

As we all know, you cannot get evicted for being rude. However, you can get evicted for breaking your lease.

So Shannon found a new place while I was at work. Our movers were two absurd black guys who blasted rap music wherever they went. We paid them under the table, and one of them gave me his demo. He also did a live demonstration to which i tried to do gangster dancing. Shannon finding this place without me there was convenient because I didn't have to do anything, but also a bad idea because I discovered after moving in that it took me an hour and 40 minutes to get to work. Not exactly a New York minute. Also, the landlady was another Polish freak who spied on all of her tenants and sat on the stoop for twelve hours a day to see everyone and everything. The last straw was when she let herself into the apartment unannounced with a phone repair guy. I was only wearing a towel and she made me move furniture around. So I clearly and sadly had to move out into the world as a lone wolf once again, in search of a normal American living situation.

Then I met Craig. I'm not sure if you've heard about Craig, but he has this great list of anything you could ever want! Definitely a stand-up guy, and pretty easy to read. He really helped me out this summer, and told me about this apartment in Williamsburg on my favorite street.

I went to visit this little palace, and fell in love. IKEA wardrobe, wood floors, and something completely foreign to me called "Air Conditioning". It's where cold air gets blown around in your room! No one in New York has heard of this rare, new technology so I'm really ahead of the curve here. My roommate is a really cool ex-vegan and feeds me liquor sometimes. She works for the Wall Street Journal and is probably reading this right now! I should probably say something smart.


I'm living with a cat named Jones, too. He's crazy! We get along great, but things have been a little awkward because he walked in on me naked the other day.

And there you have the condensed version of how I moved 4 times in one month. This post is mainly the vessel to post the highly-requested photos depicting the goth abode, so enjoy!

Not good to eat:
1. Rotten bananas.
2. Trash from many moons ago.
3. Any of this.

Classy decorations? Note unlucky cat.




And now...I live above a muffin shop! That caged-in fortress is my door.


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