An EPIC post is coming your way soon! Get excited!
- I died my hair red.
- I went to a lesbian bar.
- I saw a Passion Pit show.
- I got lost in a sketchy neighborhood.
- I grabbed someone's boob on the subway thinking it was the pole.
- I drank a tube of 50 oz of beer.
Those are all pretty good stories, but not good enough to spin a blog about (except maybe the lesbian bar).
So this weekend is my first 4th of July in America. This is because I usually visit my dad in Switzerland for the summer. He used to take me to these corny rodeos in Switzerland to make up for it. All the Swiss people would go to make fun of Americans. Hot dogs and beer everywhere, and people being taught to line dance. I wish hip hop was the American stereotype, but sadly it's country music. These events probably made my dad feel better, but after watching yet another dance team from Ohio, I began to question our culture altogether. One year, however, I was not disappointed. It started to thunderstorm and lightning struck the fireworks. They all went off at once. Tight.
That was about 4 or 5 years ago so I'm pretty sure this event got discontinued after that.
I must confess I did experience 4th of July as a baby. I just don't remember it. AND one year a while back I was in America for Independence Day, but I had food poisoning so I don't think that counts.
Lucky me, I get to have my first end-all cultural experience in New York City. LOOK OUT! I'm gonna paint this town red, white and blue. And maybe a little bit of puke green.
Vegan hot dogs and beer for breakfast. For the next three days.
You can keep track of it via live video streaming on USTREAM!
Just kidding.
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