making money, however, is slightly necessary for survival. here are the jobs i've applied for so far!
1. dog walker. i would make bank off of all the rich people in new york, and do next to nothing. i like dogs, and i am really good at frisbee. good to go.
2. nanny. craigslist is like a gold mine. let me watch your kids! i'm a good speller and i can cook spaghettios! but i don't know how to ride a bike, and i don't know what a "nick jonas" is.
3. mysterious blog assistant. i answered this posting on craigslist where the requirements are knowing what "roflcopter" and a meme are. i think i'm good to go. it would be me hanging out with a woman in her home researching weird nerdy things on digg. hey, if you're reading this, hire me!
4. storyteller. yes, that is a real job. i would have to wear a costume and tell children stories at a museum. for a whopping $15 an hour. this is why new york is called the city of dreams. or the big apple. it has many names, all of which are good, some of which are lies.
come visit me! especially if you go to JMU and haven't seen someone who isn't white in 4 years.
you need to tell me how exactly to find allison kinney on the radio's website. i want that fine blond and no one else.