Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Acceptance = Creativity

so we've all been screwed by mother nature lately. getting out of class is awesome, but being locked into my house gets old after five days. now that i can exit, i am faced with death as icicles the size of baseball bats hang from the gutter three stories up. don't even get me started on ice potholes.
my last snowpost discussed how laws no longer apply to humanity during natural disasters (considering virginia has to call in the coastguard before they start shoveling, these snowfalls are definite disasters). people have obviously gotten bored of mundane lawbreaking/lock-ins
here are some examples about town:


everyone loves joose, right? i actually thought they had made that stuff illegal. i like to imagine that the person who consumed it is now buried beneath this mountain. safe and sound, of course.


for those of you who wouldn't be able to discern the condition of this car upon immediate viewing, some kind citizen has written it out for you. "stuck."


and last, but most, i got rick rolled. this photo cannot begin to relate to you the size of this message, encompassing one of the isat hills. i applaud you, sir.

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