best news report quote of snowmageddon:
"people are WALKING in the STREETS"
what a panic these past few days have been for the general populus of northern virginia. other states actual prepare for this kind of weather...only here does school get canceled simply if it's too cold or there is torrential rain. imagine what happens in an ACTUAL weather emergency.
i decided that all traffic laws became void. if anyone has seen the riot scene in "hot rod", therein lies my inspiration. i also imagined i was in "day after tomorrow" a lot, which worked really well because i've never actually seen the film. i mean, the snow plowing contraptions only cleared one lane on three or four-lane roads and completely disregarded the yellow lines. even the double ones! which led me to do the following:
1. not stop at any stop sign
2. go as fast as possible on unplowed roads, imaging exploration of foreign tundras. this led to driving on the wrong side of the road if said part of road was more plowed than others.
3. turn LEFT on red
4. park in a bus lane
5. not pay for my parking meter...for 6 hours
6. almost rear end someone
7. drive through a 4 foot deep river created by melted snow

8. forsake snow plows and floor it

9. honk and bully people until i get what i want
10. cross four lanes at once to make an exit, and cross two lanes in dc to make an illegal right turn
and i didn't get in trouble. at all. and i'm positive cops witnessed some of this.
what i'm trying to say is...if you didn't break any laws in the past few days, you missed a golden opportunity.