Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Needs More Eggnog

the other night i went to ham's after the note-oriety concert with lisa and emma. we were wearing our black dresses, bedroom slippers and flannel shirts because we forgot to bring coats. while eating a cookie skillet, a guy came to our table and sat next to me. he was trying to win a bet with his buddies that he would sit at our table for over a minute. i knew this would be a good blog post.
but it turns out it isn't because he was pretty boring.
his name was alex, goes to uva, and he was drunk. oh and his major is P.E. (that's what he said), which is physical education, because it's the easiest major offered at the university. he doesn't even like children.
then he wanted us to join his table.
i would have if he had been either more drunk or more interesting.
we left.

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