Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bagel Cravings

today i bring you the top three best license plates in greater rockingham county.

seen only twice, but definitely a local resident. keep your eyes peeled for this rarity!


yup...quilt maker.

(a cry for help?)

you may have once read a post in which i reviewed 3D chalk, the trippiest toy since lite-brite and rainbow-brite. really, anything with the word brite. 3D chalk is, in fact, awesome.

3D movies, except in the case of theme parks and drug use, are NOT. i say this because some of the worst movies recently manufactured have tried to use awesome 3D technology to lure the unknowing consumer into the depths of regal/amc bankruptcy. i'm talking about beowulf, my bloody valentine, and...
final destination 4.
why? is the only coherent thought i have when i see the preview for this sequel to an originally bad idea. i could probably easily turn this post into a hateblog about sequels in general, but let me stick to FD4 (my use of an acronym does not imply any fondness for the film). it has really gone too far. i understand that horror films are running out of original plots (ex: drag me to hell, whose title is only trounced by the plot basis of a creepy one-eyed woman GETTING DENIED FOR A LOAN, and subsequently, well, dragging people to hell...). BUT. i would at least appreciate a change in title, or an add-on such as "final destination four: we've gone too far again."
i'll let this whole thing slide if they throw in a commemorative holographic slurpee cup, but i don't envision this movie producing a lot of revenue.
what disturbs me is that decent movies are starting to jump on this 3D bandwagon, when their quality alone is enough. "Up" is probably the best film i've seen in theaters since lord of the rings. but it is featured in 3D in select places. unnecessary and sad. i'm sure the creators of up were not interested in viewing the aforementioned crapgore movies, but i'm surprised they didn't do ay research on the success of this. and by success, i of course mean failure. i understand how this marketing technique is kid-friendly. but even as a child, the only 3D experience i ever really enjoyed was the muppets one at some theme park. granted, the other one i saw was about the deep sea and sharks at an aquarium and a tv show that i didn't understand (remember those good old "find some glasses in a cereal box and watch at 8 pm/7 central!" days? ...well, they were brief.). but still. the most recent 3D kid's film i can think of is "shark boy and lava girl".

just take a moment to think about the quality of that film.

although whats-his-face did grow up to have a half-naked career in the limelight of twilight's disgusting success. (it beat dark night for best film?!?! get it together, mtv.)
but what's worse is that the next disney-pixar release, "g-force", is ONLY available in 3D as far as i can tell.
and guess what?
it doesn't look that funny or awesome.
and it's about rodents.

1 comment:

  1. So, I do completely agree with you on the whole 3D situation. They're taking it too far. Sorry, but every movie I see doesn't have to be jumping off the screen to eat me thank you.
    And on another side note, your blogs are fascinating and funny. They definitely make me smile if it's been a horrible day :]


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