Wednesday, April 15, 2009


today i went to physics, which in itself is a strange occurrence.
we learned about cameras. which means i missed all the lectures with difficult material.
cameras led to the topic of eyes.
then my teacher talked about laser eye surgery for ten minutes.
a story he has already told me.
this led to the topic of magic eye.
i have never successfully experienced magic eye, but i do know that the following is false:
annoying guy: "is the point of normal like magic eye?"
prof: "what is magic eye."
crazy girl: "!!! it's where you hold this paper up to your eye and when you move it away, it puts you in another DIMENSION."
no clue what happened next because i completely lost it.

i know not the wonders of magic eye, but i am relatively certain that they only exist in our dimension and do not create a new world in which they can function freely upon successful completion.
i mean, paper mario is a close call. but magic eye is a piece of paper.
with squiggles on it.

if anyone else has experienced the unusual phenomenon of being propelled into another dimension by a seemingly harmless magic eye, give me a ring and i'll reconsider this factual theory.

1 comment:

  1. Magic eye is merely those 1990 pictures where you hold them up to your face, and by adjusting your eye sight, you can see another 3D picture...

    another demension though? not quite...maybe when i'm drunk, or persuing other illegal acts. maybe that is something i should try someday.


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